Fun Football for P1, P2, P3 & P4 pupils. The Orkney Youth Development Group will be holding their next fun football evening for P1 to P4 children from all Primary Schools at Picky on Saturday 28th January 2017.
These nights are very informal – they are jamboree style events, there are no prizes, no league structure and no pressure. OYDG just want to see children and parents coming along and having fun! There are 6 pitches set up in the Arena for the P1-3s and 2 pitches for the P4s. Games last 6 or 7mins duration depending on how many teams turn up on the day. The number of games each team play will also depend on how many teams come along.
Pupils should attend at the following times according to their class.
4pm – P4 register / pay money 4.15 – 5pm – P4 play “Super 5’s”
5pm – P1 register / pay money 5.15 – 6pm – P1 play Fun 4’s games
6pm – P2 register / pay money 6.15 – 7pm – P2 play Fun 4’s games
7pm – P3 register / pay money 7.15 – 8pm – P3 play Fun 4’s games
If your child would like to attend and has not already notified the school office please get in touch and you will be sent a parental consent form to complete then it is just a case of turning up at Picky on the day and paying a £2 fee to take part.